Vivitrol Shot and How Does It Work?
Vivitrol is a brand-name formulation of naltrexone administered as an intramuscular solution (the Vivitrol shot) once a month to help clients with opioid addiction detox safely. The extended-release injection works by binding to opioid receptor sites. This explains why naltrexone is referred to as an opioid antagonist or blocker.
Naltrexone blocks opioid receptor sites for a long time, thus preventing intoxicating substances from producing the usual euphoria and sedation effects.
The medicine is slowly released after the monthly shot is delivered, preventing opioid abuse since the person can’t get “high.” Over time the person can maintain abstinence from opioids as the frequency and intensity of opioid cravings decreases.
What Is Suboxone and How Does It Work?
Suboxone is another branded opioid addiction medicine that contains buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine-naloxone is also available as a generic version, and this medicine is taken orally by placing it under the tongue. The sublingual film reduces withdrawal symptoms and intensity of opioid cravings, thus minimizing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone works by blocking opioid receptors and is capable of lowering the craving for opioids without creating a “high.” If the person takes opioids like heroin, they also won’t get “high” because the receptors are blocked.
Buprenorphine covers the receptors partially, while naloxone, the other ingredient, is an opioid antagonist that combats the euphoric effects of buprenorphine.
What Is Sublocade and How Does It Work?
Sublocade is a branded version of buprenorphine used for opioid detox. This brand delivers buprenorphine only (no naloxone) as a monthly, long-term release shot, and the slow-release helps the person withstand withdrawal symptoms.
Buprenorphine binds to receptors such that if the person takes drugs, they won’t experience the euphoria that results in cravings. In other words, the reward sensation no longer kicks in after taking opioids.
Sublocade should only be administered by a trained provider since self-administration carries the risk of misuse. Sublocade can be an effective tool that helps you recover from substance abuse, but it should only be used in controlled settings.